expertplas plascofree
The unique plascofree electrode system enables effective plasma treatment of semi-finished products, laminates and profiles - regardless of their material thickness - to increase their adhesive and paint adhesion. plascofree is suitable for the treatment of laminates, panels, sandwich elements, honeycomb profiles, WPC profiles and materials made of PP, PE, PU, PC, ABS, TPU, TPO, etc.

Unique electrode design
Unlike the "classic" corona process, the plascofree electrodes do not require an opposing earth connection. This means that the materials to be treated can be treated without any problems, regardless of their thickness. In addition, the electrode gap to the treatment material can be set between 5 and 8 mm. This enables the treatment of small recesses or grooves and even compensates for slight material distortion (e.g. cupping of laminates). Optionally, both sides of the material can also be treated.

Perfectly tuned plasma source
In order to generate the plasma field of the plascofree electrodes, certain criteria must be met, which are achieved with the expertplas line output stages. The output stages are programmed with corresponding characteristic curves and thus generate the optimum energy density of the plasma field.

Can be integrated as a stand-alone solution or inline
We offer the plascofree systems both as stand-alone solutions - with complete transport periphery - but can also integrate the technology into production lines. Thanks to the compact design, the required space is small.