Our contribution to the circular economy

It is too easy to scrap high-quality but outdated equipment and machinery.


However, global development shows us that we cannot continue like this.



Benefit from our extensive REfurbish program:   




We take over your used corona and plasma systems, independent of the original manufacturer.


Components for which we can no longer find a direct use in our REtrofit program are supplied to alternative market segments.


If it is no longer possible to reuse the components, we ensure that they are recycled professionally by companies certified exclusively in Germany.


Our REtrofit program is ideal for customers who do not want to scrap their old systems but bring them up to current production standards.



In doing so, we consider the overall CO² balance in relation to a new system.



The combination of the latest control technology with proven mechanics turns your "aging" treatment unit into a reliable machine for many years to come. 


Used equipment and spare parts from our REtrofit program, which we do not refurbish directly for customers, we offer at attractive conditions in our online store.



Due to the short distribution channels, recyclable packaging materials and an optimized shipping system, we additionally save considerable amounts of CO² in this area as well.